Thursday, June 01, 2006

中日文化交流與資訊科技融入教學座談會/Welcome Mr. Ueno to San-Min

Taiwan-Japan Symposium on Cross-Cultural Exchange & Integration of Information Communication Technology (ICT) into the classroom programs

Time: June 2, 2006Place: 1st Conference Room, San-Min
Host主持人: 張經昆 校長Mr. Chin-Kun Chang
Our Guest: Mr. Hiroshi Ueno, ICT teacher, Okinawa Shogaku High School
三民高中歡迎 日本沖繩尚學高校 上野浩司 老師

時 間/行 程/與 會 人 員
Breakfast with Mr. Ueno at中信hotel 早餐會報/317/ 3 students, 4 parents and Su
Arrive at San-MinMeet with Mr. Chang, Principal./張經昆 校長
Meeting with English teachers, school administration (17) and PTA representatives研討會
1. 校長Mr. Chang致歡迎詞 .
2. 家長代表致歡迎詞
3. 專題報告Report: Mr. Hiroshi Ueno
4. 專題報告: 蘇信滿老師 (20 m.)
5. 議題討論Discussion:全體與會家長代表、行政人員及英文老師
6. 致贈小禮物
Campus Tour校園巡禮/Class 317
Party with class317/Class 317
Lunch hosted by school 午餐招待/家長代表、陳浩然主任
1.50 pm
leave for Taipei Airport 起程往機場/蘇信滿老師

蘇信滿老師報告內容 (Contents of Miss Su’s Report)
1. How we met – NDYS2006 in Kaohsiung 相見歡
2. Preparation for NDYS2006 準備工作o
3. Activities in Kaohsiung 高雄大會o
4. Followups後續活動: VC, Teddy Bear diary, today’s meeting…
5. i*ean 國際教育資源網
6. Teddy Bear World 泰迪熊世界

1. How we met: Our two classes joined the program Natural Disaster Youth Summit (NDYS), which is sponsored by Japan. Taiwan i*earn hosted the meeting NDYS2006 in Kaohsiung. 我們兩班共同加入”天然災害防治高峰會”, 故事就此展開……
Our team: Class 317
赴日同學: 李佩芸 Peggy
報告同學: 吳睿穎 Crystal 蔡有訓 Jack 韋長志 Jason
海報解說同學: 陳靖 Jean 宋佾蓁 Cathy

2. Preparation準備工作:
how we proceed our research: 活動如何進行?
Discussion with parents召開家長說明會
Everyone in class 317 do the research about natural disasters每位同學分組研究天然災害

3. Activities in Kaohsiung 高雄大會
Welcomed by FangXi Junior Shigh School. 高雄鳳西國中歡迎我們
NDYS2006 Convention天然災害防治高峰會大會
(1) First met!! 相見歡
Okinawa Shogaku High School & Taipei County San-Min台北縣立三民高中國中部 317班同學與日本沖繩尚學高校
(2) 三民高中國中部 317班 以英文發表地震研究報告Sharing: 1. an introduction to our school2. our safety map3. steps to study natural disasters.
(3) 營火晚會表演及露營 Party with friends from Japan, Iran, Malaysia and Ukraine (烏克蘭).(4) Our Safety Map posted on Japan i*earn 安全地圖張貼在日本網站上Safety Map 2006

4. Follow-ups 後續活動
(1) VC with Shogaku視訊會議
(2) We exchanged our Teddy Bears, and keep a diary to each other. Here are what Okinawa school wrote for us: http://為我們的”菜頭熊”寫日誌 blog for us

(3) We are on TV & Newspaper.

5. How we connect with the world??
(1) 經由i*earn 國際教育資源網---全世界性非營利教師組織
(2) i*earn Taiwan台灣國際教育資源網 & our partner: Japan i*earn

6. Teddy Bear World 熊熊世界—國際文化交流
Teddy Bear in San-Min 美國.澳洲.馬來西亞.日本小熊訪三民

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