Tuesday, March 17, 2009


請將ndys參加過程.回憶.感想.感謝. 於3/28前. 張貼在此文下方意見

NDYS參加過程以及感想俗話說:『有夢最美,築夢踏實。』國一時,我懷抱著無窮的希望參加了泰迪熊計畫,在經過了一年的準備及努力之後,終於...... 我們要到科工館參與專題發表,每個人都要用英文來進行天然災害的演說,儘管我已將稿子背得滾瓜爛熟,但現場還是瀰漫著一股緊張的氣氛。當我上台發表時,居然連一絲一毫緊張的感覺都沒有,還遵照接待家庭的指示比許多動作,像拿鉛筆盒當成地震時的掉落物,丟向自己,並且大叫一聲「Ouch!」,增添不少趣味。觀摩其他學校的表演,.....詳閱請點 <意見1>

輪到我上台報告時,則文媽媽不斷打手勢要我唸慢一點,可是由於我實在太緊張了,所以報告的速度不自覺的加快,快到我忘記講稿的內容,...在戶外活動時間,我問一個來自土耳其的同學是否可以和他拍照留念?他不但答應還順手將我拉到他身旁一起拍照,這時則文、凱傑、欣怡眼明「腳」快的也搶著入鏡,事後我才知道我和土耳其同學溝通的文法有誤,但沒有關係,對方聽得懂就好了!晚上的NDYS Party也是今天的重頭戲之一,有些學校輪番上台表演......詳情請看<意見2>

Friday, January 09, 2009

新活動開鑼了IEARN Taiwan Youth Communication and Network 2009

IT-YouthCaN 2009
IEARN Taiwan Youth Communication and Network 2009
一、 目的:
二、 參加對象:
三、 主辦單位:臺灣國際教育資源網學會  協辦單位:高雄市立壽山國民中學
時間 2月5日(四)
08:00-08:30 報到
08:30-09:00 開幕
09:00-12:00 1.Make a Difference 2.Presentation Skills 3.Art Miles
12:00-13:00 午餐休息
13:00-14:30 Presentation Practice and Discussion
14:30-17:00 體驗學習 (1.膽識訓練2.合作學習3.信賴學習4.領導力訓練)
17:00-19:00 晚餐及晚會準備
19:00-21:00 晚會
21:00~22:00 星光夜語 (22:00就寢)
時間 2月6日(五)
06:30 起床、盥洗
07:00~7:30 早操
07:30-08:00 早餐
08:00~10:00 Taste of Nature
10:00~10:30 點心+討論
10:30-12:00 各組發表+結業式 (頒獎)
八、報名日期:即日起至 1月19日止,請填妥報名表和家長同意書後E_MAIL到iearntaiwan@gmail.com (0912057861)即可。報名費請各校聯絡人收齊後匯入本學會帳戶(陽信銀行108建國分行0829, 戶名:臺灣國際教育資源網學會,帳號:097-42-000269-1)。
九、 全程參加冬令營人員由本學會發參加證明,中途離開者恕不核發。

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

NDYS九週網路課程開始了及非洲舞 11/12起四週

1. The first homework:張貼自我介紹
進入 --> 填入帳號密碼--> 2009 NDYS 中階課程(國中--> 左上角 【討論區】-->【公佈欄】-->Greetings from San-Min 台北縣三民高中國中部二年級自我介紹--> 點選【回應】--> 複製短文. 從 http://dearsu12182.blogspot.com/ 選取--> 張貼在論壇中--> ok.
2. 可以回應他人文章 但須注意禮儀
3. 11月8日週六召開家長說明會 三民樓二樓第一會議室 請於11/6先交回條
4. 非洲舞 11/12起四週。每次2小時。請準備運動服、鞋,飲用水,一套更換用運動服,點心。特別注意事 項:請叮嚀孩子隨時注意自己身心狀況,不舒服時,不要勉強跳下去。

Tuesday, October 07, 2008


1.網路課程表,請至 sue su's place 下載,在首頁最下方.請依你的帳號密碼登入iEARN Taiwan
I am happy to tell you that we will have a dance class, African dance, after the test. You need to prepare clean shoes, spotswear, towel, and drink. it is tiring class but interesting. if you are interested, pls visit:

Africa dance: African dance
http://www.wretch.cc/video/OWENPPPPP&func=single&vid=3653458 great

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Friday, June 27, 2008

702班暑期故宮之旅 更正

I.時間:7月10日(星期四)。如有任何更改,請看:http://dearsu1218.blogspot.com 公告,或電話連絡。
1. 行程如下:早上8.00前,三民正門口出發
2. 9時至故宮第一展覽區右側入口等待觀賞「印象畢沙羅」(2881-2021*2298吳先生)主題導覽,約1小時
3. 至走回故宮旁至善園活動
4. 12.00走路約20分鐘至漢堡王影城店(士林區至善路二段34號 TEL: 2882-6738)用餐,約130元
5. 下午2.00 順益原住民博物館(士林區至善路二段282號,2841-2611*632,630侯小姐),文物導覽(約1小時)
6. 4.00賦歸,約5點回到學校。

II. 衣著:乾淨整潔、端莊合宜外出服。不可穿暴露衣服,拖鞋及垮褲。否則當場請你回家更換、或拒絕你參加。請家長協助處理。宜穿運動鞋,因為要來回故宮漢堡王用餐及參觀行程,都要走路。
III. 攜帶物品:個人健保卡、藥品、飲用水、傘(遮陽、遮雨用)。參觀規則:不可大聲喧嘩,不可奔跑、嬉戲、飲食及拋棄紙屑。展場不可拍照、手機請關機。至善園勿餵食飼料或雜食。注意館方規定,服從老師家長指揮。否則下次校外活動禁止參加。帶筆一枝, 書寫暑假作業.
4. 參觀資訊:故宮順益
5. 本次共有38人含33同學及4位家長一起參加。
6. 感謝凱珽爸爸媽媽的愛心奉獻,讓我們得以全班一起出遊。也感謝家長代表許麗秋女士全程參與討論。如果沒有他們的無私付出,老師我也無法獨自辦理了。感激之餘,我們唯有更努力才不會辜負眾多家長對我們的厚愛。老師與你們一起加油!有任何問題或建議,請與麗秋、導師聯絡。 702家長代表許麗秋、導師蘇信滿 敬上

Sunday, June 15, 2008


1.Luchou market, Yonglan Temple, or Lin's old mansion 上述任一主題英文作文一篇

1. 請交錄音檔.第一次錄音檔About me.第二次新的錄音檔(主題自選).
2. 填線上問卷調查一份
問 卷 卷 名 國中學生對英語學習國際化及資訊融入英語教學
連 結 URL http://www.my3q.com/go.php?url=dearsu1218/22986

3. 張貼你個人blogger, podomatic聯結(只限本活動內容.英文)
4. 頒獎活動 泰迪熊計畫得獎名單: 6/17(週二)4pm頒獎
1 最佳進步獎 713 19 莊凱傑
2 最佳進步獎 702 16 李冠翰
3 最佳錄音獎 714 26 吳雅慧
4 最佳錄音獎 708 22 屈昀靜
5 最佳錄音獎 701 33 王婕恩
6 最佳文章獎 709 27 簡書妤
7 最佳文章獎 702 20 陳則文
8 最佳綜合表現獎 721 28 陳琳方
9 最佳綜合表現獎 714 14 李昱達
10 最佳綜合表現獎 717 32 陳以涵
11 最佳綜合表現獎 714 27 廖佩妤
12 最佳綜合表現獎 722 36 黃思璇
13 最佳綜合表現獎 702 26 游雅雯
14 最佳綜合表現獎 719 15 林 立


Thursday, May 29, 2008

本週作業: Luchou market, Yonglan Temple, or Lin's old mansion

1. 請於下週二前繳交其中一篇作文.
有的同學要補交第一次About me錄音檔.
3. 6/10不上課. 6/17最後一節課.
4. 下學期週二繼續上課,敬請期待.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Beautiful Taiwan by Jason 71319A ok
About me, Andy 71802聲音太小,內容太短 ,最前面要空2秒,至少要錄20秒. 請重錄音上傳.
About me, Taro 71414 聲音太小,內容太短 ,最前面要空2秒,至少要錄20秒. 請重錄音上傳.
About me, Jim 70219 聲音太小,內容太短 ,最前面要空2秒,至少要錄20秒. 請重錄音上傳.
About me, Cindy Huang 72236 ok
About me, Kiki 71732聲音太小,內容太短 ,最前面要空2秒,至少要錄20秒. 請重錄音上傳.
About me, Joanne 70133 ok
About me, Eric 70209 聲音太小,內容太短 ,最前面要空2秒,至少要錄20秒. 請重錄音上傳.
About me,Vicky 70528 聲音太小,內容太短 ,最前面要空2秒,至少要錄20秒. 請重錄音上傳.
My favorite subject by Cindy Chen 72128 ok
About me, Jason 71319A ok
About me, Doris 70822A ok

About me, Tina 70233 聲音太小,內容太短 ,最前面要空2秒,至少要錄20秒. 請重錄音上傳.
About me, Joe 70213 聲音太小,內容太短 ,最前面要空2秒,至少要錄20秒. 請重錄音上傳.
About me, Henry 70216 ok
About me, Joe 70211 聲音太小,內容太短 ,最前面要空2秒,至少要錄20秒. 請重錄音上傳.
About me, Grace 70226 聲音太小,內容太短 ,最前面要空2秒,至少要錄20秒. 請重錄音上傳.
About me, Yi Ying 72321 ok
About me, by Kevin 70220 ok
About me, by Nina 71321 ok
About me, Sherry 71426 ok

第一次錄音檔未成功繳交者: 70206, 70232, 70726, 70927, 71021, 71231, 71628, 71807, 72027,72107, 72128, 72424, 72509
未交錄取檔同學, 速交.........

Monday, May 05, 2008


1. 下週二每位同學必須寫好英文作文一篇來語言教室上課. 主題請參照上課講義
2. 準備好第二個錄音檔
p.s. 因應段考,明天(5/6週二)泰迪熊計畫停課一天

Sunday, April 27, 2008

至4/29止作業繳交記錄表, 請快速交齊.

(1) 未繳交中文心得者: 70219, 70226, 70726, 71021, 71231, 71807, 72027, 72424 (4/29)
(2)第一次英文作業缺交者: 70206, 71021, 72027, 72107 (4/29) 速交
(3)第一次錄音檔未成功繳交者: 70206, 70232, 70726, 70927, 71021, 71231, 71628, 71807, 72027,72107, 72128, 72424, 72509

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Monday, April 14, 2008


4/22 Speaking 一心樓4樓語言教室 Karen老師 同學不要忘了帶英文小本及講義.
請於4時05分前到達 不可遲到
4/29 NDYS2008專案/ blog / podcast 蘇信滿
5/6 錄音實作 / computer / Internet 丁裕峰
5/13 Speaking 一心樓4樓語言教室 Karen
5/20 Speaking 一心樓4樓語言教室 Karen
5/27 錄音實作 / computer / Internet 丁裕峰
6/3 NDYS2008專案/ blog / podcast 蘇信滿
6/17 NDYS2008專案/ blog / podcast 蘇信滿

Podomatic 線上錄音

demo示範錄音檔: 71426 Sherry

  1. 播客網站Podomatic http://www.podomatic.com/
  2. 『曾老師教學檔』: http://calltd.fld.ntnu.edu.tw/LILT/call-tools/podcast/recording/recording.html
  3. 繳交第一次錄取檔"About me" 4/22前
  4. 方法 (1) 用svrecorder軟體錄製後, 請以附加Mp3檔案上傳至:班級信箱 dearsu1220@yahoo.com.tw -->老師會張貼到三民播客網: http://dearsu1218.podomatic.com/ (每位同學都要繳交)
  5. 方法(2) 你也可能在個人自己的播客網站Podomatic網站上(要先登入), 直接線上錄製. 請依照上述『曾老師教學檔』錄製後, 在本文後的((意見))欄張貼你的錄音連結.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

第一次心得報告張貼處, 4/15完成

第一段 『內容』我到現在為止學到什麼?想想上了哪些課程?內容為何?
第二段 『喜歡』我最喜歡哪一部份?英文寫作、錄音、英文在網路上的應用,還是其他哪一部份? 最有趣的事?
第三段 『討厭』我最不會的又是什麼?Why?
第四段 『檢討』我盡力了嗎?哪一部份沒作好?
第五段 『期許』未來我希望還要學些什麼?對老師、課程內容有何建議?

上傳中文『心得報告--上課感想』:請至Our blog: http://dearsu1218.blogspot.com/ -->Comments 意見-->Word Verification (驗證,避免垃圾郵件),跟著打字-->勾選Anonymous -- or your blogger>Publish your comment貼文。

(1) 未繳交者: 70133ok, 70219, 70220, 70226, 70232, 70233ok,70726, 71021, 71231, 71321ok, 71426ok,71807, 72027, 72107, 72424 (4/29)
(2)第一次英文作業缺交者: 70206, 70233ok, 70528, 71021, 71414, 72027, 72107 (4/29)

Wednesday, April 09, 2008


請上此網站: 以訪客登入即可
日期 4/17 晚上11時
To join and watch some of the web cast, you can log into the Elluminate link by going to: www.elluminaterooms.com/iearn -->Go to the Machinto project, and sign in as a guest.
The program will take a couple of minutes to load. It is also a good opportunity to see how they have been using Elluminate within an iEARN project.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008


Dear students,
When you post your writings, don't forget to add on the topic:
張貼文章時, 別忘了加上以下標題:
1. About me 或 2. My school
4/10前貼第一篇文章, 4/17前貼第二篇文章.
Enjoy your writing and reading. And I hope a foreign teacher can come to our class next time.

Sue Su

注意: 貼文時不可加註中文,否則無法聽.(Listen it)功能無法運作.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

所有上課講義及學生張貼作業, 請點選右邊聯連結Links

3.泰迪熊計畫/錄音程式下載/使用說明書 下載處
上課照片連結: http://www.pixnet.net/slide/dearsu1218/13656560

Monday, March 31, 2008


Dear students,
If you want to join our English Club, answer this mail. Thanks.
要不要參加同學皆請回覆, 待統計後再告知結果.
請點comments ,並張貼班級號碼及英文名字. for example: 70232 Jenny 即可

結果:5人參加, 14人不參加, 所以取消.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

歡迎點閱2008-1-26 iEARN Taiwan 冬令營網站

本文章轉寄自:I*EARN學會會員討論區 I*EARN Society of AJET Digital School網址為: http://ajds.nsysu.edu.tw/
2008 iEARN Taiwan 冬令營網站文章內容:歡迎點閱2008 iEARN Taiwan 冬令營網站同時來欣賞iEARN Taiwan 為慶祝20週年的大合照!!
iEARN-TAIWAN WINTER CAMP, JANUARY 26, 2008. The meeting ended with a group photo to celebrate the 20th Birthday of iEARN. In this winter camp, teachers, students and their parents all got involved in activities, including students’ sharing, panel discussion among teachers and parents on how they can help their children (students) grow in iEARN. At the end of this camp, all the participants had the group photo in the form of a big “20” number. Please check the website: http://ajds.nsysu.edu.tw/1000211127/2008wintercamp/index.htm to see the joyful and cheerful moment.

2008 iEARN烏茲別克國際年會團訊息!!

本文章轉寄自:議題討論 - I*EARN學會會員討論區 of @I*EARN學會 I*EARN Society of AJET Digital School網址為: http://ajds.nsysu.edu.tw/
文章內容:2008 iEARN烏茲別克國際年會團各位老師, 您好:一年一度的iEARN 國際年會即將於2008年7/12至7/18在烏茲別克舉行,若您有意願想自費參與, 請見下列訊息:
1. 主旨: 參與2008 iEARN 烏茲別克國際年會暨青少年高峰會
2. 活動內容: (1) 了解國際教育趨勢並學習如何運用網際網路科技於教學中(2) 參與相關專題發表及教師工作坊(3) 帶領學生參與國際學習活動並增進英文溝通能力(4) 中小學教育與國際接軌(5) 參與國際教育年會以拓展個人視野
4. 活動地點:位於中亞烏茲別克第二大城布哈拉

5. 參加資格
學生: (合下列全部條件者)1. 團體會員學校學生 2. 該校教師也前往參加年會(一位老師帶3位學生為原則) 3. 通過專案學習者學生擇一:1. iEARN Taiwan 聯盟學校學生且實際參與專案經驗達半年以上。2. 非聯盟學校學生,但曾參與過iEARN 專案且成功完成者並經指導老師推薦者 (需有推薦信)(必備條件)1. 需家長同意書2. 參與當年度出國會議專案課程
家長: (必備條件)1. 為上述學生或教師之家長2. 曾義務協助或參與iEARN Taiwan 國內活動三次以上。3. 參與當年度出國會議專案課程註: 本會得依出國團隊特殊情況決定人數

6. 細則說明: (一) 相關資訊網址: http://www.iearn2008.uz/(二) 費用:1. 來回機票及旅遊費用: 約臺幣7-10萬元(暫估)2. 會議費用: (1) 老師630美金(1人房); 530美金(雙人房);450美金單人房(2) 學生310 美金 (三人房);
(三)報名與註冊 1. 請於3/20前向下列兩位老師報名民權國小吳翠倩老師 http://tw.f724.mail.yahoo.com/ym/Compose?To=wu.wu08@msa.hinet.net&YY=75498&y5beta=yes&y5beta=yes&order=down&sort=date&pos=0&view=a&head=b 鳳新高中吳翠玲主任http://tw.f724.mail.yahoo.com/ym/Compose?To=wudoris@ms23.hinet.net&YY=75498&y5beta=yes&y5beta=yes&order=down&sort=date&pos=0&view=a&head=b 3) 烏茲別克年會說明會:(1) 時間:3/19五 (暫訂)晚上7:00起(2) 地點:待通知 (3) 流程:10:10~12:00 2008iEARN 年會說明會報到 介紹出席人員年會說明(iEARN 介紹、 iEARN 年會介紹、影片) 意義及目的註冊說明 意見交換(4) 線上課程公佈年會相關資訊行前線上討論

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Links--class702 students and parents' blogs & NDYS2008 Emails

Links--students' bloggers 學生部落格連結 :
70201 70209 70217 70224 70233
70203 70210
70218 70226 70238
70204 70211
70219 70228 70241parent
70205 70213 70220
70229 70242parent
70206 70215 70221
70230 70243parent
70208 70216
70222 70232

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Ready to send IsaBear to Pakistan 準備好郵寄小熊了

Dear Naila, and class,
We are glad you are all safe and sound.
We are almost ready to send you our IsaBear as well as some gifts. Could you tell us your mailing address?
Also, we haven't seen any of your pictures. I don't know why?
Waiting for your reply.
Sue Su and Class702

Pakistan is ok. 同學來函 一切安好

Hi dear friends:
thanks for showing concern for us. everybody here is safe, we would try and
send more pictures to you. we here are also facinated about new friends at
waiting for your pictures and your next reply
anns tahir

Monday, November 05, 2007


Dear Naila,

Recently I introduce your county to my students. We visit your school website and your Ministry of tourism . We are so fascinated with your beautiful scenery, buildings and clothing.

Also, we learned from the news that your country is under a state of emergency. Are your students, teachers and school all safe? We are concerned for your safety. May you are all safe.

Sue Su and class 702
Nov. 5, 2007

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Naila 老師回信

Dear Kevin,

So good to hear from you. i and my class are really looking forward to this partnership of our schools and making new friends. you mentioned that you were junior high student.... over here we use grades level to indicate which level a student is in. like my students are in grade VIII, so would junior high be equal to grade VII or VIII.

i am trying to get some digital pictures of our school and my class. we would love to see more pictures of you guys as well..... my class has prepared a questionnaire for you all... they would be sending to you by tomorrow i think. do give my love and regards to your teacher Su and to rest of your friends..

till next time
Pakistan School

Friday, October 26, 2007

則文kevin的 hello letter to Pakistan 961026

Hi, Miss Naila Khan and friends,

I am Kevin Chen, a student in class 702, Taiwan.
We are the junior high school students and we are all thirteen years old.
Our teacher is Ms.Su. She is friendly. She's tall and has longhair. We like her very much.
Taiwan is a beautiful country. If you come here,you can see many peopleand trees. And Taiwanese foods are delicious. I like beef noodles best because it tastes a little bit sour and spicy. But Taiwan has more than beef noodles. I will tell you next time. Because I have to go to cram school tonight.

We are so glad to be friends with you. Keep in touch.
Kevin and class702
p.s. I am the cute boy on the left, and the other one is my classmate Willy.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

NDYS Yoshie老師來函,請發表對溫室效應發表感想

Hi, Students of NDYS :

Do you thind Global Warming effect 全球溫室效應on natural disasters? If you studied or find any effects of Global Warming on natural disasters, Please reply this mail.

** Yoshie Naya Coordinator of NDYS ****

Monday, September 24, 2007

For class 702

Welcome class 702,

Your work will be posted here. Please wait.
Sue Su

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Links for Teddy Bear

Teddy Bear Project--- an interaction between 2 schools:

Tsai-To Bear, a guest visitor to Okinawa
from Taipei County San-Min Senior High School
台北縣立三民高中國中部 蘇信滿老師
Shogaku Bear, a guest visitor to Taipei San-Min
from Okinawa, Japan 日本尚學高中 上野浩司老師

Taipei, Taiwan:
1. blog: http://dearsu1218.blogspot.com/
2. Class 317 photo album: http://www.pixnet.net/dearsu1218

Okinawa, Japan:
1. http://okisho-taiwan.blogspot.com/
2. http://www.oki-wide.com/iearn/okisho/

San-Min 北縣三民高中Graduation Ceremony

Today is my frinds' graduation ceremony. Many guests, parents, teachers and students get together to celebrate the graduation. I am so lucky to be there with them.

Miss Su, their teacher also made a speech and congratuated them. She was happy for them, but I can tell from her tearful eyes that she is a little sad because her students were going to leave the school.

I was so surprised that I saw your video played on the stage. It was so touching.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Tea Party with San-Min kids

Today I (Shogaku Bear) went to the farewell tea party with Taipei San-Ming High School Kids. I was so surprised that so many students and tea teachers drank tea together. They were making a kind of traditional Chinese tea in Taiwan called KungFu tea or " old-man tea". They used small tea pots to make tea. I drank it. It was delicious, but too bitter and too strong for me. However, I like the way they share tea and chat and laugh.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Happy to see you again.

Today I am so happy because Mr. Hiroshi Ueno, a ICT teacher of Shogaku High School, Okinawa, comes to see me. He also brought Tsai-To Bear back to his hometown. I am so glad to see them here in Taiwan. I miss my friends in Okinawa because I have left home for 6 months and I haven't seen them for such a long time. Although I can read the diary they kept for Taipei San-Min "Tsai-To" Bear, I still want to see them face to face.
Mr. Ueno asked me if I wanted to go back to Okinawa. I said I would go back to Okinawa next time becuase there is still so many places I want to go and I like new friends here. So, see you all next time.
by Shogaku Bear

Thursday, June 01, 2006

中日文化交流與資訊科技融入教學座談會/Welcome Mr. Ueno to San-Min

Taiwan-Japan Symposium on Cross-Cultural Exchange & Integration of Information Communication Technology (ICT) into the classroom programs

Time: June 2, 2006Place: 1st Conference Room, San-Min
Host主持人: 張經昆 校長Mr. Chin-Kun Chang
Our Guest: Mr. Hiroshi Ueno, ICT teacher, Okinawa Shogaku High School
三民高中歡迎 日本沖繩尚學高校 上野浩司 老師

時 間/行 程/與 會 人 員
Breakfast with Mr. Ueno at中信hotel 早餐會報/317/ 3 students, 4 parents and Su
Arrive at San-MinMeet with Mr. Chang, Principal./張經昆 校長
Meeting with English teachers, school administration (17) and PTA representatives研討會
1. 校長Mr. Chang致歡迎詞 .
2. 家長代表致歡迎詞
3. 專題報告Report: Mr. Hiroshi Ueno
4. 專題報告: 蘇信滿老師 (20 m.)
5. 議題討論Discussion:全體與會家長代表、行政人員及英文老師
6. 致贈小禮物
Campus Tour校園巡禮/Class 317
Party with class317/Class 317
Lunch hosted by school 午餐招待/家長代表、陳浩然主任
1.50 pm
leave for Taipei Airport 起程往機場/蘇信滿老師

蘇信滿老師報告內容 (Contents of Miss Su’s Report)
1. How we met – NDYS2006 in Kaohsiung 相見歡
2. Preparation for NDYS2006 準備工作o
3. Activities in Kaohsiung 高雄大會o
4. Followups後續活動: VC, Teddy Bear diary, today’s meeting…
5. i*ean 國際教育資源網
6. Teddy Bear World 泰迪熊世界

1. How we met: Our two classes joined the program Natural Disaster Youth Summit (NDYS), which is sponsored by Japan. Taiwan i*earn hosted the meeting NDYS2006 in Kaohsiung. 我們兩班共同加入”天然災害防治高峰會”, 故事就此展開……
Our team: Class 317
赴日同學: 李佩芸 Peggy
報告同學: 吳睿穎 Crystal 蔡有訓 Jack 韋長志 Jason
海報解說同學: 陳靖 Jean 宋佾蓁 Cathy

2. Preparation準備工作:
how we proceed our research: 活動如何進行?
Discussion with parents召開家長說明會
Everyone in class 317 do the research about natural disasters每位同學分組研究天然災害

3. Activities in Kaohsiung 高雄大會
Welcomed by FangXi Junior Shigh School. 高雄鳳西國中歡迎我們
NDYS2006 Convention天然災害防治高峰會大會
(1) First met!! 相見歡
Okinawa Shogaku High School & Taipei County San-Min台北縣立三民高中國中部 317班同學與日本沖繩尚學高校
(2) 三民高中國中部 317班 以英文發表地震研究報告Sharing: 1. an introduction to our school2. our safety map3. steps to study natural disasters.
(3) 營火晚會表演及露營 Party with friends from Japan, Iran, Malaysia and Ukraine (烏克蘭).(4) Our Safety Map posted on Japan i*earn 安全地圖張貼在日本網站上Safety Map 2006

4. Follow-ups 後續活動
(1) VC with Shogaku視訊會議
(2) We exchanged our Teddy Bears, and keep a diary to each other. Here are what Okinawa school wrote for us: http://為我們的”菜頭熊”寫日誌 blog for us

(3) We are on TV & Newspaper.

5. How we connect with the world??
(1) 經由i*earn 國際教育資源網---全世界性非營利教師組織
(2) i*earn Taiwan台灣國際教育資源網 & our partner: Japan i*earn

6. Teddy Bear World 熊熊世界—國際文化交流
Teddy Bear in San-Min 美國.澳洲.馬來西亞.日本小熊訪三民

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

First adventure in Taipei, by Shogaku bear

From now on, the students in class317 & teacher Sue Su will "speak" for the Shogaku Bear. We will write down interesting things while he is staying here in Taipei, and post them on this webblog.
In short, we will keep a diary for Shogaku Bear in order to tell interesting stuff back to thefriends in Shogaku School .
We hope you will like it.
Sue Su and Class 317
March, 2006

Here goes the adventure of Shogaku bear in Taiwan--->

A day at Crystal’s home--March 14, 2006

Hello, friends back home in Japan. I miss you very much, so I write this message to you.Today is Saturday. I woke up early because Crystal had to go to cram school. Then, I listened to Crystal’s brother, Boris, play the violin. He played so well. In the afternoon, Boris had to go to the violin class and I stayed home and took a nap. In the evening, Crystal came back from the cram school. She was watching TV when eating dinner. It’s a Japanese cartoon called “Konan”, a little detective’s story. After dinner, we played and watched TV with Crystal’s cousin, Christina, at Crystal’s grandpa’s house. We had fun there. When we had to go home, Christina looked sadly at me and said” Good bye, bear, hope to see you again.” I answered” I hope, too.” After we got home. Crystal started to study because she had to prepare for the test.Oh, It’s eleven o’clock. I have to go to bed and I hope Good night everyone. Have a nice dream.
Crystal & the bear

Saturday, January 21, 2006

VC with Shogaku School 與日本視訊---友誼交流

After the Kaohsiung gathering, students want to talk to Okinawa students again. That's why we tried the Video Conferencing.
Our principal, Mr. Chang, teacher Sue Su and students talked to them happily.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Thank you, all the teachers in NDYS2006, for your hospitality

Thanks to all the teachers and students in
NDYS2006 Kaoshiung gathering!!!

Thank you, dear Cindea, class 201 and your lovely homestay kids.
Thank you for all your hospitality and warm welcome to us. We enjoyed such a wonderful time there. You held a welcome party for us, your whole school gathered and performed a special show for us. We especially appreciate those families who treated us a big meal and offered us a comfortable bed.

Thank you, dear Principal Chang and Joan, for all the camping arrangement and city tour. We loved the camp fire, danced all night with so many new friends and slept with sweet dream, "cool"!! We know you are tired, try to take a rest. Hope to see you soon.

Thank you, dear Hiroshi and Shogaku students, for your handsome Fuzzy bear. We enjoyed every moment there. My students loved yours so much that they kept asked me to have another meeting. So, how about a VC together? I will email you the details.

Thank you, dear Malaysian friends, Haji, Mei Yen, Hamidah. We had lots of fun together, right? My students missed yours very much. Remember the happy hours while we were in Fangsi? at the party? camping? and the city tour? Also, dear Hamidah, I wish we can work together again and I can go to Malaysias soon.

Thank you Yoshie, Doris, Susan, Luchen and all the teachers in Kaoshiung. Without your help and hard-working, we wouldn't have such a wonderful learning journey!!

Teacher Sue Su & Class317: Jack, Jason, Crystal, Jean and Cathy

Wednesday, January 11, 2006


By Crystal 吳睿穎 &
Jason 韋長志

第三天的文化之旅也是重要的項目,我第一次到旗津,看到一些我在台北從沒看過的景觀,高雄真是個好地方;順便一提我還充當了臨時小翻譯唷~真是幸運!每位老師用英文講解時,我都有認真在聽喔!我還會仔細看著老師的眼睛,試著多了解老師所說的內容…..在這三天內雖然不是全程都用英文溝通,但和日本學生說話的時候就不得不(English only no Chinese)

平時的我遇到陌生人就是會害羞~ I’m a shy girl. 但是面臨各國好有時,我就是個開朗活潑的女孩!我也不曉得為什麼,但這有助我更想參加國際計劃的心~ 老師同學们以後有機會再請多多指教啦~

感謝第一天陪我一起等寄宿家庭的媽媽,還有Doris和那位長得很帥的老師~~ 最後謝謝我的寄宿家庭、鳳西國中、壽山國中的校長、老師和學生!

Thanks a lot~
By Crystal



辛苦的還是老師,因為我們離開之前還看她正在努力的打報告,所以,真的看的出來,不管是老師還是學生,We will do our best to do everything.,晚上還待我們去吃飯還有逛街之類的。。。對我們很不錯,也玩的滿愉快的,也在此感謝鳳西國中201的同學們!謝謝你們的招待,也讓我快樂的度過第一天。




By Jason

Sunday, January 08, 2006

NDYS2006 Kaohsiung gathering.青少年天然災害高峰會

NDYS2006 (Natural Disaster Youth Summit) Kaohsiung gathering, Jan. 5-8, 2006

Stuents and teachers from different countries meet toghter to discuss how to prevent natural disasters. In the 3-day activities, we are welcomed by Fanxi Junior High School, we stayed at different host families. We presented what we learned about the natural disasters, we camped at Shoshan Junior High School. We especially enjoyed the moment of laughing, dancing and playing at the campfire party.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Our Bear is bound for Okinawa

Our two schools joined the program NDYS 2006 and we are going to meet in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. After the meeting, our Tsai-Tou Bear will go to Okinawa to see students there. Our principal, Mr. Chang, Miss Su, Miss Wang and students in San-Min got together to prepare for the meeting (left picture). The other photo was taken with Class 317, San-Min.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

First impression

How does this Blogger help me create an interactive environment for my students and friends in language teaching? In what way? To what degree? I certainly will try and experience it myself. Hope it will work out and a big success!!!